23 August

Incorporating leafy greens into your interior design is essential to create a sense of comfort in your living or working environments. However, waiting for a houseplant to reach its full potential can take time and effort, and buying established plants can be expensive. Suppose you want to create the ideal environment inside your home. Consider incorporating fast-growing indoor plants to fill your rooms with lush green foliage and beautiful flowers to create a unique atmosphere. Many houseplants grow fast, so make sure you find one that will get the right light and conditions in the location you intend to place it. While choosing the plants, consider their required light, water, and nutrients. Caring for some plants is easier than others, making them ideal for beginners, as they can survive neglect or over-love without harming them. Here are some tips for speeding up the growth of houseplants:

  • Providing your houseplants with optimal lighting will help them grow faster, but avoid placing them directly in the sunlight.
  • The essential nutrients needed by houseplants, particularly potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace elements, should be provided regularly.
  • It is recommended to fertilize most houseplants every 1-2 months using a diluted fertilizer solution.
  • Consistent watering prevents overwatering and underwatering, which stunts growth and harms the plant. Ensure your plants receive water regularly at their need rather than on a schedule.
  • If your houseplant grows too large for its pot, repot it only when roots extend beyond the drainage holes or encircle it tightly. These fast-growing houseplants are easy to care for and can provide a much-needed boost of indoor space.
  • Avoid factors that hinder their growth, such as overwatering, under-watering, small pots, and sudden and drastic temperature changes. Following these tips, you can choose the perfect indoor plant to make your office, sitting room, or kitchen more beautiful and livable.

The following four fast-growing houseplants have outstanding beauty and fast growth, making them perfect for your home.

1. Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium Podophyllum)

Arrowhead Plants, also known as Syngonium, are popular ornamental plants with their unique arrow-shaped leaves and colorful variegation. These houseplants are commonly used indoors and outdoors to add color and contrast to assemblages of plants. The name “Arrowhead” comes from the shape of its immature foliage, which looks similar to the sharp pointy end of a spear without danger. Syngonium’s popularity is driven by its abundance of hybrids and ease of care. The immature form of the Arrowhead Plant remains full and bushy, but if not trimmed back, it will begin to vine rapidly. As the vines grow, they seek places to climb up, often needing support, such as a stake or trellis.

Arrowhead Plant

However, they can also trail down, making a lovely hanging plant. The leaves of these fascinating plants tend to morph once they reach maturity, developing a three-lobed form that is very different from the immature form. The Arrowhead Plant can be kept bushy by pruning it back or growing into long and spectacular vines, which can be hung from a bookshelf, wall, or hanging planter. The Arrowhead Plant needs a place with bright but filtered light and high humidity to grow aggressively. The soil should be moist but not soggy. Arrowhead Plants grow much more quickly in spring and summer. Still, they can be improved by using a grow light to accelerate growth further in winter.

Read More about: The Best Houseplants

2. Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis)

Aloe vera is known for its sap’s ability to soothe burns. It grows fast due to the pups that develop around the parent plant as time passes. In summer, the pots of this plant can dry out very quickly, so it is advisable to water it more frequently during the warmer months and less frequently in the winter. The plant is drought-tolerant and prefers bright indirect light. In addition, the plant stores water in its fleshy leaves, which form a dense rosette. As long as the growth conditions are ideal, it takes about two to three years for Aloe Vera plants to mature from tiny babies to full-grown plants with 8-10-inch-long leaves. A thick, fleshy stem grows out of the center, and the edges of the stem are marked with serrated teeth. Aloe vera is an excellent choice for individuals who wish to appreciate the aesthetic value of houseplants but do not have the time or energy to care for them properly.

3. Heart-Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Hedceraceum)

Heart-leaf philodendrons are a popular and easy-to-love houseplant with an exquisite heart-shaped leaf surface, rapid growth, and easy-care requirements. For these tropical American indoor plants to be healthy, they require bright, filtered light, moderate humidity, and regular feeding. Bright, filtered light is ideal for Heart-leaf Philodendrons. Despite this, they can tolerate less than optimal lighting, resulting in a slower growth rate and smaller foliage. Feeding the plant regularly in dark and bright locations is necessary to support it during the fast growth cycle. To encourage growth and produce larger leaves, water the plant only when the soil has dried to a depth of 1-2 inches and maintain a moderate humidity level.

Heart-Leaf Philodendron

A heart-leaf philodendron is commonly known for its trailing vines. Under ideal conditions, these vines can reach lengths of up to ten feet. The Heart-leaf Philodendron belongs to the family of Philodendrons. It is a super easy-care beginner houseplant that instantly impacts wherever it is placed. They are ideal for hanging and can quickly create a lush, full canopy of foliage. However, larger leaves allow the plant to climb either up a moss pole or on walls. Because of the plant’s easy growth habits, even beginners can keep the memory of someone they love alive by growing this plant.

Learn more about houseplant wilting

4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily is a popular houseplant native to the tropical regions of the Americas. It is known for its dark glossy green foliage and white flowers, making it a staple indoor plant, adorning many homes or offices. It is part of the Aroid family, which includes Philodendron, Alocasia, and Anthurium. The Latin Spathiphyllum means Spathe Leaf and the flower is a modified leaf whitened to attract pollinators. There are many reasons to be impressed by Peace Lilies, including their fast growth, adaptability, durability, and ability to bloom continuously for years. Lighting is not too important to them since they are hardy and adaptable, and when thirsty, they will droop and bounce right back up once hydrated. They can live in any light, barring complete darkness, making this plant perfect for brightening up low-light corners or a bathroom. The environment where they are kept should mimic their natural habitat as much as possible since they cannot handle cold drafts well. With proper care, the Peace Lily grows to 24-40 inches in 1-2 years, making it a beautiful addition to any home. Peace Lilies are also known for their air-purifying qualities, eliminating toxic gases such as carbon monoxide or formaldehyde, making them an excellent choice for households with pets or small children. With proper care, the Peace Lily can bloom multiple times yearly, making it a beautiful addition to any home.